Philippians 1:3

Dear Surrey 2,

It has been exactly 385 days since I said "yes" to serving you and this is what I have learned:

272 of you comprise the chapter,
210 of which are active.
37 of you are household heads,
12 of you serve as the core with the help of
10 Couple Coordinators as well as
4 program heads.

On average, we have 2 events a month
at either 2 of the parishes that we are currently present in, which means that I get to see you guys about 24 times a year.

Yet, I cannot place a numerical value, nor even begin to describe how much you mean to me.

Last year, I wrote a letter to my future self outlining the things I wanted to learn and the things I wanted to do for you guys. This letter was to be opened a whole year later, and to my happy surprise, yesterday was a whole year later! So, I practically jumped onto my prayer journal, opened the nifty pocket that I knew I kept it in, and began to read. In it, aside from the typical sappy stuff were some of the following goals that I had set to achieve in a year:

Goals for myself:
- be more trusting
- be more joyful
- be more humble
- love until there is no more love to give; and even then, love some more.

Goals for the chapter:
- know everyone
- fix up the database
- time management
- S2 not just as S2, but as CATHOLIC YOUTH (my personal favourite.)

After reading this, I realized 2 things:
1. These goals were (or are currently in the process of being) achieved within the past year.
2. On top of these things, God did WAY more.

See, S2, you have become something far greater than I ever imagined. You guys are bigger than I ever dreamed, stronger than I ever thought could be, and more blessed than I could ever believe. Whenever I speak about you to other people, I never forget to mention that the Holy Spirit moves through you so swiftly and potently; you are a true testament of God's love. And because of this, I am so humbled.

I am humbled by the fact that you have helped my heart to grow larger than ever. Everyday, you challenge me to love more!

I am humbled by joy you exude, which in turn makes me dance for the Lord!

I am humbled whenever I look at the database than contains all of your names. Each individual has brought me closer to God in a unique way.

And I am brought down to my knees in awe whenever I witness your love of Christ and His Mother.

A few weeks ago, St. Matthew's hosted a post-confirmation retreat for those who were just recently confirmed. So many of the service team were made up of you guys, and when I first found this out, my heart fluttered! But when I watched you guys run the event, when I witnessed your talent through playing instruments or taking photos, or just even speaking with the newly-confirmed, and when I listened to you guys lead all the talks at that event, I swear, my heart wanted to just fly out of my chest and go all the way up to heaven to thank God. That day, I was so inspired, so moved by the Spirit through you to try harder, to serve more and to love Jesus like I never had before.

You guys taught me the most important lesson that I have ever learned in my entire life. You taught me that God is bigger than all of my fears, my problems, my doubts and my worries. You taught me that at the exact moment I submit all of these things to the Lord, he immediately takes it and makes it far more than life could ever be. All I'll ever need is to trust in the Lord, and I'm set for life, and hopefully, the next.

So, my dear Surrey 2, here is to you!
Here is to the 272 of you that I get to see 24 times a year.
Here is to the 345 days of service I have left with you guys, which means that I still have 345 days to learn something new!

And here is to God one-upping my dreams I ever had for you guys.
He is truly greater. All the time.

"I thank my God every time I remember you."

In Christ, through Mary
Ariel B.
