Silent, Holy, Humble Night

Dear Surrey 2,

Christmas lights sure are pretty, huh? Come to think of it, everything is so pretty this time of year! I mean, check out the mall. I went to shop for presents the other day and I got very distracted by all the decorations. Each way I turned, something emulated the holiday season via Christmas carol, sparkles, bold colours, "70% off everything" sale signs...

A few days back, I decided to visit a jewelry store which, in retrospect, was not the best idea because it was extremely crowded and extremely sparkly. Every clerk was trying to address every shopper's need. I didn't stay for more than 30 seconds because it was just too loud and all the shining stones were burning my eyes.

That experience got me thinking about the way I look at Christmas and what it should mean to me, as a Christian. I knew something was off but I couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was...

That same day, I came home to a bright, blinking Christmas tree. My mom decorated the living room and like the mall, everything in it was so pretty! My eyes scanned each piece of decor in the room. Just as I was about to finish, I noticed something tucked away into the corner.

It was my family's nativity scene.

It's very small. All the colours are muted, the statues are of average craftsmanship and the stable housing the scene is made of of twigs and moss.

Nothing in the scene sparkled or sang a carol. Nothing was red or green. Images of Santa were no where to be found. Everything about it was so quiet.

So peaceful.

So humble.

And then it hit me.

On the night that Baby Jesus was born, the only twinkling lights were in the sky. The only thing that sparkled brightly was the the Star of Bethlehem. The only sound to be heard was the choral singing of the angels.

Dear Surrey 2, I hope and pray that you didn't make the same mistake that I made during my Advent preparation. See, I totally forgot about what Christmas was all about: love, peace, wonderment and humility. 

Humility for me most of all.

Everything about this season is just so loud and so bright and so stunning and sometimes this leads us in very wrong directions.

What's the best present I can give?
What's the best present I can receive?
How many Secret Santa's do I have to buy for?
When are all the Christmas parties?
How many times have I heard Mariah Carey sing in this past week?

In the midst of all these the sales, the parties, the lights, the music, and everything else, we forget about that silent night and Who made that night so holy.

There's a lesson to be learned from the nature Christ's birth, my brothers and sisters! During Advent we wait hopefully for Baby Jesus to be born into our hearts. And the only way to prepare our hearts for this special day is to humble ourselves and bring ourselves back to that night.

We must remain quiet and still in prayerful reverence and anticipation so as to allow the Holy Spirit to turn our hearts of stone hardened by greed and pride into what it should be: a manger specially prepared for the most Adorable Baby. In our hearts we are called to carry Him, and like Mother Mary to Elizabeth, we must carry the joy of Jesus to our loved ones.

This Christmas, I pray that you may prepare your hearts to be a humble manger for Jesus to remain in. This Christmas, I pray that the joy of knowing and loving Christ be with you. This Christmas I pray that together, we may continue our paths on the way to humility and sainthood.

This Christmas, I send you my love, Surrey 2! God bless you and your families as you celebrate the best of the best birthdays ever!

Love you guys!

With all the joy that Christmas offers,
