No Greater Love

Dear East Two, I’m sure most of you (if not all of you) dream about “the one.” The person who will appreciate every single thing about you, imperfections and all. Who will be your best friend someone you can talk to about anything and everything, that will stand by you through the good and the bad. Who will love you unconditionally for the rest of your lives.
Alongside of you, I also dream about the person I will one day (God-willingly) marry. In fact, I have even written multiple letters to my “future husband.” Emphasis on future, though. Like the majority of you, I have yet to see who this person is. This is why Valentine’s Day can be a little bit hard. While it is meant to be a beautiful celebration of love, for people who aren’t currently in a relationship, this particular holiday can seem like a slap in face. Everywhere we go, all we see are couples holding hands, surprising each other with thoughtful gifts, making googly eyes at each other across restaurant tables. While on the other hand, we're sitting at home, by ourselves, binge-watching Netflix and eating ice cream. I guess that’s why another name for today is “Single Awareness Day” — it is just another reminder of how alone we are. Except we're not alone at all. We have, and have always had, God. He created you perfect and unique in His image, and loves every part of you, even the things you might hate. He is the greatest friend you could ever ask for, who is there for you whenever and wherever, through every victory and struggle, only a prayer away. He loves you so much that He gave His life for you. "Until death do us part" does not exist with Jesus He died on the cross so that you could spend eternity together in Heaven.
We spend so much time searching for "the one," but God is the only One we'll ever need. So, whether you’re dating or waiting, I hope you always remember that you are loved more than you will ever know. You are loved by Love Himself, and there is no greater love than His. In Christ through Mary, Dayle
